
Like the Wind my Longing

Like the wind my longing
ACD 50 (2005)
Like the Wind my Longing

  1. I sommaren sköna (In the Summer of Bliss)
  2. The Joy of Being (The Joy of Being)
  3. Likt vinden far min längtan
    (Like the Wind my Longing)
  4. Midvinternatt (Midwinter Night)
  5. Ut i vida världen (Out in the Wide World)
  6. Den förtrollade skogen (Enchanted Forest)
  7. I landet Längesen (In the Land Long Ago)
  8. Vårlängtan (Springtime)
  9. En solsaga (Sun Saga)
  10. Blomsterängd (Flowery Meadow)
  11. Sommarlängtan (Summer Longing)
  12. Månsilvrad natt (Moon-Silvered Night)
  13. Den himmelska fridens ängd (The Region of Heavenly Peace)
  14. Vallsommar (Summer Herding)
  15. Lyckolegend (Legend of Joy)
  16. Vinteraning (Anticipating Winter)
  17. Vinterlegend (Legend of Winter)